Current Illinois CancerCare Clinical Trals

Cancer Control/Symptom Management


Reaching Rural Cancer Survivors Who Smoke Using Text-Based Program


Improving Adolescent and Young Adult Self-Reported Data in ECOG-ACRIN Trials


Social Genomic Mechanisms of Health Disparities among Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Survivors of Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Joviality 23289(Suspended)

Safety and Acceptability: Virtual Reality for Psychotherapy Delivery in Lung Cancer Patients of Illinois CancerCare (Suspended)


This Phase III trial will examine the efficacy of computerized cognitive training methods on perceived cognitive impairment in breast cancer survivors.


Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial Comparing Overall Survival of Patients Monitored with Serum Tumor Marker Directed Disease Monitoring (STMDDM) versus Usual Care in Patients with Metastatic Hormone Receptor Positive HER-2 Negative Breast Cancer


A Randomized Trial Addressing Cancer-Related Financial Hardship Through Delivery of a Proactive Financial Navigation Intervention (CREDIT)


A Randomized Phase III Trial Comparing Active Symptom Monitoring Plus Patient Education Versus Patient Education Alone To Improve Persistence With Endocrine Therapy In Young Women With Stage I-III Breast Cancer (ASPEN)

S2013 (Suspended)

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Toxicity (I-CHECKIT): A Prospective Observational Study (Suspended)


A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing an Educationally Enhanced Genomic Tumor Board (EGTB) Intervention to Usual Practice to Increase Evidence-Based Genome-Informed Therapy

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