Gloria (Jeannie) J. Riley, APN
Staff Education:
Jeannie obtained her BSN from Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing and her MSN from The University of Illinois at Chicago.
When did you join Illinois CancerCare?
February 2008
Family Information:
Jeannie was born and raised in Peoria. She has 3 sisters and 2 brothers and loads of nieces and nephews.
Hobbies / Interests:
“I am an avid reader and love to travel.”
What medical change has impacted the field of cancer the most since you began practicing medicine?
“I would say the many new chemotherapy drugs and targeted agents. My mother died of lung cancer in 1992 and I have seen more and better options for the treatment of cancer since then.”
Why did you choose your field?
“Truthfully, I chose Oncology/Hematology because a position presented itself after I graduated and passed my boards-however, though it has been challenging; I've come to enjoy my work.”
Do you have any advice to give patients after they have been diagnosed with cancer?
“My advice to patients is stay involved. We are here to help you, but, we need you to help us help you!”